No.145 C-1 58-1012 402sq Iruma A/B JASDF by Gemini200

1/200スケールでC-1輸送機のモデルが手に入ることは大きな喜びでしたが、更に記念塗装機までも入手できるようになりました。実機を見たときから気に入ってしまった蒼いC-1です。 |

第402飛行隊が塗装したこの蒼いC-1は一目みただけで、その意外性に強く目を引かれた覚えがあります。記念塗装機のデザインは機体色の変更に加え、赤い50周年記念エンブレムが付いています。またエンジンポッドには「運び屋」をイメージしたという女性のキャラクターと「50th Anniversary」の文字が描かれています。
■Kawasaki C-1 The Kawasaki
C-1 is a tactiacl transport of JASDF,and
it's a middle class jet aircraft
of 8t PLD.After it made her debut
flight in 1970,31 aircrafts were
produced,and 27 of them are in operation
as of March,2011.This Kawasaki C-1
model of the 50th anniversary,58-1012
belongs to the 402nd squadron of
the 2nd tactiacl airlift group.The
JASDF put memorial colorings to
each one aircraft of all the squadrons
when it had 50th anniversary in
2004,and this model is one among
these.the design was collected by
the corps members,and it was painted
in the one selected design taking
time three weeks.It is based on
the original green/brown camoflage
pattern,but the color is replaced
to blue/gray.And on the outer-side
of the engine pod,the lightning
which express the shape of "2"
of the 2nd tactical airlift group,and
the woman figure which is a image
of the courier are painted.The 402sq
squadron of the 2nd tactical airlift
group is deployed to the Iruma base
of Saitama prefecture.In addition
to the usual ractical work like
jumping attitude or the drop of
the materials,it usually transports
the materials and the personnel
to every JASDF's base of the whole
乗員 Crew:5
全長 Length:29.0m
全幅 Wingspan:30.6m
全高 Height:9.99m
空虚重量 Empty weight:24t
最大離陸重量 Max take off weight:45t
最大積載量 Max payload:8t
エンジン Engine:P&W JT8D-9
Tubofan engine ×2
推力 Thrust:6,600kg ×2
最大速度 Max speed:800km/h(Mach
巡航速度 Cruise speed:650km/h(Mach
航続距離 Range:1,500km(Max payload)
実用上昇限度 Service cailing:11,600m
最短離陸滑走距離 Take off distance:460m
最短着陸滑走距離 Landing distance:600m

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